Welcome to Lesson 2

In this lesson, we will tell you how to enter a client and how to use the Tax/Cash Flow form.

In the next lesson we will enter some assets and liabilities.

We assume that you have completed the previous lesson where you learned the basics of how to move around in MasterPlan and how to create a few of the Base-Line Scenario (Present Projection) reports.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you create or enter a new client, we do not assume that the new client should be the current or active client. You must select the client before entering asset or liability data.

As you move from one data entry item to the next, remember to check the Message Center for data entry tips. These messages are your first line of help.

For more help, press the F1 HELP key . In those windows, you will discover useful tips, especially in data items such as retirement age and social security eligibility.

To enter data into a field, either Tab to the field, or double-click on that field. The entry area will be selected and highlighted (probably it will turn blue), and you can begin typing.

After entering or selecting the contents of the data entry item, remember to press the Tab key. MasterPlan will then save the contents when you save and close the window.

Click here to move to the next chapter.