Graphing from the Report Menu

If you want to experiment with another way to create graphs in MasterPlan, select Graphs from the Reports Menu. MasterPlan projects both the present (baseline) and proposed (what-if) scenarios.

You may select as many items as you wish. If you include too many items, however, the graph will be very hard to interpret.

For each item on the list, you may include values from the projection for the:

  1. Click on the beside the item you want to include. For example, let’s graph the Net Worth for both the Present and Proposed Situations. (In the window below, we clicked on Interest & Dividends.)

  2. Click on Present and Proposed item in the drop-down list.

  1. Select the Beginning Year of Graph.

  2. Select the Number of Years to Graph. MasterPlan defaults to the number of years from now to life expectancy for your client. Type 10 and press Tab.

  3. Click on the Do Graph button.

  4. Now you can play with the graph. You might want to click on the Properties icon (the magic wand) beside the glasses with the red and green lenses. Click on the Series Tab, and play with different formats. You can select one series as a bar graph, and the other one as a line graph, for example. The possibilities are almost endless.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. If you get the graph looking too wild, you can always close up the graph and reopen it with a fresh, clean slate.

Note: The tool we are using to create the on-line help cannot duplicate the colors on the graph, so both lines are showing as black. We switched this graph from columns to lines, so you could see we were graphing separate items. They show in beautiful, subtle colors on the MasterPlan window.

When you have finished, return to the MasterPlan Main Menu.

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